New model update at MatchingCore in version 2.8: On average 24% improved prediction
We are pleased to present the latest developments at MatchingCore®. Our planning engine has made great progress through continuous learning based on customer interactions. The system adapts better and better to the needs of our customers and thus creates a digital twin of your workshop.
Important innovations at a glance:
Improved accuracy by 24% Thanks to the analysis of the data obtained, the planning accuracy of our AI was increased by an average of 24%. This applies to companies of all sizes and enables more precise planning than ever before.
More precise planning for large companies Large workshops in particular benefit from significantly improved planning accuracy (up to 48% at the peak). The new update allows complex projects and workflows to be organized and optimized even better.
Day-by-day estimates Workshop employees can receive day-by-day estimates for the expected completion of their projects. This function enables significantly better planning and coordination of work processes and thus offers considerable time savings in customer service.
These advances are the result of continuous model improvement through the ongoing learning of the AI in MatchingCore®. By learning individual customer needs and creating a digital twin of the workshop, planning becomes more efficient and reliable.
We are proud of these developments and look forward to seeing how they will help you optimize your work processes!