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Is Switzerland an AI innovation hub?

Nicolas Bürer, Managing Director at digitalswitzerland / Entrepreneur & Investor / Swiss Business Angel of the Year 2018 answers.

Let's face it, we're not in the top ten in terms of AI quantity.

Let's have a look at AI quality now.

According to research, we are already among the top five countries in the world.

We have three assets in Switzerland:

The first is our pool of skills, which is still too little, but of exceptional quality throughout the country; studies show that we have been number one for seven years in a row according to INSEAD or IMD.

The second asset we have is "trust" the people out there they trust the country. They have faith in our institutions and the way we handle data. It's crucial.

The convergence of decentralization and AI is the final asset I believe in.

Switzerland will be even number one in the world.

All AI Insights Videos here.

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